Did you ever feel that you had put so much effort into creating thousands of leads and you still end up with a wee bit of results in converting them into potential conversions? Then, here is the solution for all those people, who are suffering because of this issue, and that solution is Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also known as Machine Intelligence. Everyone is talking about the revelation that is going to happen with AI and Machine Learning in the future world, not only in digital marketing but also in every other field.

However, we have been noticing the prominent influence of an AI in digital marketing in the last 1-year through Facebook and Google. These are the companies which have been using the services of AI in the present world to some extent.

So, in a way, the impact of AI is still in the initial stages in the current world. Apart from the above-mentioned companies, a lot of websites are still not aware of the results and effectiveness of AI in digital marketing.

So, here I am going to dissect the AI’s impact on digital marketing and what are the fields that it is going to impact in the future. The following are some of the fields that are going to influence:

  •   Creating and Generating Content
  •   Web Design
  •   User Experience (UX)
  •   Chatbots
  •   Content Curation or Relevant Content
  •   Email Marketing
  •   Better Searches
  •   Digital Advertising
  •   Better Customer Support
  •   Predicting the Behaviour of Users

  • Creating and Generating Content

    Oh! Where do I start the prominence of creating content on the website? Every website owner knows the significance of the content on the website.

    Did you ever feel the need for content on your website?

    Well, here is the solution for you with AI. Although it is not going to form an opinion on specific subjects/topics, but based on the past information and data, it can create bundles of data which is needed for the website and can save the time of the company with less cost and time.

    Content is what drives the traffic for any website. The more content, the better it will be for a website. Content is what creates an interest in the user’s mind. If AI can provide the required data for the user, then that way we can make the user spend more time on the website.

    Yes, bundles of data are not sufficient for creating web traffic, but the quality of content, which can be discussed in the Content Curation section

    Web Design

    Did you ever feel irritated after visiting a website and wanted to get out of it as soon as possible because of its horrible outlook of the website?

    Yes, it happens very often with a few websites due to its awful presentation of the website and every popular website might have gone through this critical phase of designing the website structure and the hurdles of it at some point to catch the eye of the user and make the user spend more time on the website.

    It is very important to realize the significance of web design. The user is not going to spend his/her time on the website for longer periods if it is not user-friendly and a pain in the “eyes.”

    So, what can we do about this issue? Then again, we can use the services of AI to design our website based on the user experiences of several popular websites.

    User Experience (UX)

    This is probably the most important factor of all. If the user experience is not good, then how can a website generate traffic?

    As a website provider, you don’t know what a user will expect from the website and what his intentions are. If the website doesn’t meet his expectations, then, it is needless to say that he will close the website and look for other websites/options

    Again, the AI will come to the rescue of your issue here. The AI will perform a few algorithm tasks on the user’s past history and behavioural history to know the user expectations and cater to him for the required data that he is expecting on the website.


    Everyone has heard about this in recent times and how useful it is. Some of the examples of these chatbots are Cortana from Microsoft, Google Assistant from Google, Siri from Apple, Alexa from Amazon and there are several other chatbots which are used daily on messengers like Hike, Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp Messenger.

    What exactly do these chatbots do?

    Well, for a starter, it conversates with the user. It provides solutions for user-related queries. And most importantly, these chatbots make users’ lives easier. For instance, Alexa facilitates all sorts of services for a user with just a voice query. This allows users to do other things alongside this search query.

    Another use of chatbots is that it can be available for 24/7 users. Since it is a bot, it always offers solutions tolerantly without losing control over a period of time, which we cannot afford with humans after some time.

    Content Creation/Relevant Content

    As it is explained the importance of content in the Creating content Section, the creation of content is important, but we should keep in mind the relevancy of the content on the website. It doesn’t matter how much content you provide on the website as long as it is not relevant to the user.

    The accuracy of the content is really important for the user. No user wants to waste his time on the internet for irrelevant content. AI searches the data on a particular topic and provides the required information on the specific topic without wasting the user time on the website.

    Content curation is another aspect of SEO. SEO algorithm searches for the relevancy of the topic. SEO algorithm ranks and indexes the website based on the relevancy of the topic. Websites are futile if the website is full of content, but with no relevancy on the topic.

    Email Marketing

    Email Marketing is another way of marketing products on the internet. But email marketing can turn into spam if we do not do it properly from the website. As we all know, there are a myriad number of spam messages every day hitting our inbox with fake messages.

    In order to increase the productivity of email marketing, we need to know the user’s timing so that we can get a response from the user and prevent it from being a spam message.

    In a way, it can also turn the potential lead to a potential conversion. This is again possible with AI in digital marketing.

    Better Searches

    As per survey reports, most of the searches are relatively increasing from voice searches these days to traditional searches. Although the future of traditional searches is not bleak, voice searches are going to increase in the upcoming future..

    Based on the data of voice searches, the AI concluded that conversational English is really popular among the users. So, the conventional keywords related to the topic are going to fade gradually in the near future.

    This will provide a better perspective on the user-related search. The conventional approach to increase the traffic of the website is to keep a lot of keywords in the content, which is also another barrier for creating content if we overdo the use of keywords.

    The other issue of the searches is that every user is different and every user uses a different keyword for a particular topic which makes the task even more complicated.

    To clear this issue, the AI came up with the solution of creating an individual algorithm for each user and to analyze the user searches on the internet and provide the relevant content for the user. This way we can eliminate the issue of keywords for searches.

    Digital Advertising

    Digital advertising is another way of getting the user to get to the potential conversion. So, how is it possible to use AI? Well, to turn a potential lead into a potential conversion is not an easy task if we go with the traditional approach

    A traditional approach easily takes thousands of leads just to get some tens of conversions. It is a very tedious task to convert a lead into a potential conversion. We need to invest a lot of time and money to get potential conversions and it also needs a lot of filtering to get to the final customer.

    Nonetheless, this can be resolved by using AI algorithms. It takes less time than a human approach. By analyzing the behavioural pattern of the user on digital advertisements and at what stage he/she leaves the advertisement, we can filter the potential users without going through the tedious task of filtering thousands of users.

    This way we can just approach a few users who are really interested in buying the product, which avoids many unwanted users and saves a lot of time.

    Better Customer Support

    Better customer support is another aspect of AI. Consistent interaction with the customer can provide a lot of details concerning the FAQs of customers. AI can spend a lot of time without any hesitation, thus, the customer feels that he is valued and content with the support that is provided by the company.

    Best customer support is not only significant at the present moment, but it is also important when the blockchain technology takes over the internet and confidentiality has the highest priority.

    If the company has no details of users’ past history due to blockchain technology, then it becomes too difficult to gauge the customers’ expectations.

    This is where AI can interact with the customer one-on-one and try to understand the expectations of users and accordingly cater to the expectations. The best thing about AI is, it can also show how it fits the customer expectations in a few areas like cosmetic products and other domains.

    These are times where customer support is paramount for users. If you can facilitate good customer support for the user, then, it is needless to say that customers will give mouth word for other customers to encourage in buying the product.

    Predicting the Behaviour of User

    This is really significant in terms of increasing traffic and increasing sales of a particular product as well. Predicting the behaviour may not be a new thing in the current world, especially in automation and mathematical fields

    As we all know, there is a dedicated and well-defined subject for these kinds of subjects in mathematics like probability and statistics. What these subjects do is to predict the result of the events based on the previous stats.

    In a similar way, AI does the same and these are mentioned in the following:

  •   It collects the data
  •   It accumulates history
  •   It analyzes the history
  •   It predicts a future based on previous searches
  • This can easily reduce the time that we are investing in potential conversions and cut down the money that we are investing in digital marketing


    Customer or service provider or anyone for that matter, at first, anyone would look for productivity. Productivity is something which is really important for anyone. By using AI tools, we can attain numerous things and some of them are mentioned below:

  •   Better Accuracy
  •   Value-based Content
  •   Quantitative Substance
  •   Quality-driven Material
  •   Better Products
  •   Qualitative Analysis
  •   Efficient Working System
  •   User-friendly access
  • Therefore, it is excellent to have some AI tools to help us with our products in reaching out to our users. This way we can reduce the time and money and get better results in the end.

    Conclusion and Future Scope

    TThe topic can conclude with a few vital things. Contemporary time has demonstrated to be one where the weight of new technology in marketing prevails supremely. These strides have allowed numerous marketers and brands to interlock in more personalized and in-depth communications with a broader audience of customers. Brands are also making additional alterations to such technology to secure their ground concerning the future of marketing trends.

    Artificial intelligence is an unbelievable technology that can work miracles for your brand. Using AI digital marketing manoeuvrings will help brands deliver an enriched customer experience and do more powerful marketing. It will also guarantee faster problem-solving for consumers.

    With the capability to amass data, interpret it, implement it and then learn from it - AI is remodelling digital strategy. The most essential perspective of a flourishing digital marketing strategy is exceptional customer experience.

    In the coming days, the AI is only going to improve and better the experience of the user. Still, we need to explore a lot of areas in AI and we still don’t know in what ways it can be useful till then we can be hopeful for the future and I want to end this topic with a quote, which represents a future with AI in digital marketing.

    “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.”

    About Us

    Techno Data Group is b2b marketing firm in Wilmington, Delaware focusing on business success. We can help you targeting key accounts using real time verified data; we can identify your buying personas, analyze your existing database and fill in the missing information.

    We work with some of the world's leading brands and Fortune 500 companies. We are proud to say that we are their preferred database partners.

    Contact Information:

    (302) 268 6889 | [email protected]